育休? 俺達には関係ないワンと言ってるかも。
Our members’ beloved dogs, Moko and Mame, gaze at the sunset over the Sea of Japan.
“Paternity leave? That’s got nothing to do with us, woof!” they might be saying.
まぁ、聞いてください。Well, hear me out.
Saying something like “Do we really need paternity leave?” in this day and age is bound to invite criticism from all sides. I’d probably get yelled at and torn apart with questions like, “Do you even understand how hard it is for women to raise children?” or “Have you ever experienced parenting yourself?”
To be honest, I believe I understand these challenges more than enough.
The real question I’m trying to raise here is whether this needs to exist as a system. I know the title sounds a bit provocative—sorry about that! Anyway, let’s get to the point.
Today, with fewer people living in each household and families often living far from their extended relatives, the burden of childcare tends to fall entirely on the mother’s shoulders. This is what’s often called “solo parenting.” It’s an all-consuming task, leaving no time for a break.
Now imagine the child gets sick—what happens then? The mother has to take them to the hospital, but she can’t drive, and taxis are expensive. It’s a situation where she’s likely thinking, “What on earth am I supposed to do?”
On top of all that, mothers on maternity leave often carry a sense of anxiety about their careers, wondering if they’re falling behind.
Raising a child alone is unbelievably tough for women (I hope this doesn’t sound patronizing—if it does, I sincerely apologize). That’s why I truly believe men should step in and support them as much as possible.
When I ask, “Do we need paternity leave?” I’m questioning whether it’s necessary as a formal system. In other words, should there be a policy where the government steps in and says, “While you’re on leave, we’ll pay your salary so companies, don’t worry—your employees can take time off”?
That’s the kind of system I’m referring to here.
岸田総理のメッセージ/Prime Minister Kishida’s Announcement
The other day, Prime Minister Kishida proudly announced an increase in paternity leave benefits to cover 80% of earnings. This refers to a raise in the “Childcare Leave Benefits” provided during parental leave.
Currently, the benefits stand at about 65%, so this is quite a significant increase. Since this is classified as a benefit and not a salary, it’s exempt from social insurance contributions and income tax. The key point here seems to be that even if you take leave and don’t work, your take-home income won’t be much different from when you’re working.
The government’s message appears to be:
“Hey, men, take more paternity leave, support your wives, and while you’re at it, have more kids! If the birthrate keeps dropping and the population keeps aging, we’re in serious trouble.”
But honestly, I have a lot of doubts about this.
My Biggest Questions
1.Where is the funding for these benefits coming from?
2.Aren’t the people who can afford to take paternity leave already doing relatively well financially?
3.If the government is going to spend money, shouldn’t it be directed toward helping those in environments where they can’t even consider taking leave?
Since the government is footing the bill, should we just take advantage of it without thinking too much about the broader implications?
This system raises more questions than answers for me.
なぜ育休制度が必要なのか/Why Is a Parental Leave System Necessary?
Let’s start with some quick stats from the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW):
“In 2021, the paternity leave uptake rate for men was only 13.9%, and about 50% of those who took leave were back to work within two weeks.”
In response, the Prime Minister has set some ambitious targets: a 50% uptake rate by 2025 and 85% by 2030.
Wow—quadrupling the rate in just four years!
Why roll out such an ambitious plan?
The biggest issue lies in the excessively long working hours of Japanese workers, which prevent men from actively participating in child-rearing.
According to MHLW data, the median working hours for men in their 20s and 30s range from 50 to 55 hours per week. Even taking the lower end—50 hours—that’s 10 hours of work per day.
Now, add an average round-trip commute time of 2 hours in the Tokyo area and 7 hours for sleep, and we get:
10 + 2 + 7 ≈ 19 hours.
That leaves just 5 hours in a 24-hour day for anything else—including time for childcare. (And that’s assuming he’s a devoted father. Some dads spend that time on after-work drinks or hobbies instead.)
In such a situation, if men don’t take paternity leave, it leaves women to handle nearly all child-rearing alone after pregnancy and childbirth.
No wonder people hesitate to have kids in the first place!
It’s probably a common feeling: “I wish my husband could take time off from work to help with the kids. But then again, I don’t want his paycheck to take a hit either…”
But the more people take parental leave, the more strained the public finances become, and at the same time, the nation’s overall strength declines.
And then, as if to save the day, here comes Prime Minister Kishida with his signature smile. “Don’t worry, I’m here now. It’s fine to take paternity leave and take time off work. The government will fully guarantee 100% of your take-home pay. So, go ahead—have children, raise them!”
At first glance, it seems like he’s thinking about the well-being of the people. But to me, it feels overly diplomatic, like he’s just trying to please everyone while kicking the real problems further down the road.
If we take the Prime Minister’s proposed paternity leave targets at face value—50% by 2025 and 85% by 2030—the more people who take leave, the more strained the government’s finances will become. Why? Because the national treasury keeps paying out, even though these individuals aren’t working.
And when people are on leave, they’re not contributing to the workforce, which means both the volume and value of labor output decline, ultimately making the country poorer. And when the country grows poorer, it’s only natural that the burden eventually falls on the citizens themselves.

The Issue of Those Who Can Take Parental Leave and Those Who Cannot
Take a look at the graph above.
You can clearly see a significant disparity in access to parental leave, regardless of whether we’re talking about men or women.
Parental leave tends to be available in large corporations, particularly in industries like finance, insurance, and services. On the other hand, those unable to take leave often work in industries associated with so-called essential workers.
Don’t we, deep down, want these essential workers to also have the opportunity to take paternity leave?
If that’s the case, then large corporations with ample financial resources should not only actively encourage men to take paternity leave but also continue paying their salaries during that time instead of relying on government benefits.
This is where private companies need to step up and demonstrate their sense of responsibility and pride. By doing so, the government’s funds could be directed toward those who desperately want to take parental leave but cannot.
そもそも育児は一ヶ月じゃ終わらない。/Parenting Doesn’t End in a Month
Anyone who has raised a child knows this—parenting doesn’t magically end in a month. So what can you even accomplish with the average two weeks of paternity leave?
Even if someone takes a full month of leave, it’s not like the work of raising a child is over at that point. And if 100% of fathers started taking just two weeks of leave, what real difference would that make?
We need to tackle this issue at its roots. That means making fundamental changes to how we work and creating richer, more supportive work environments. To achieve that, we need resources—money. And for that, we Japanese need to work harder.
Three years ago, when the pandemic hit, we saw a gradual shift to remote work. The government even set a goal of 70% adoption for telework. But now, that figure is hardly mentioned anymore. In fact, you rarely even hear the terms “telework” or “remote work” these days.
Commutes have quietly gone back to the way they were, as if nothing ever happened.
I believe that period was our one real chance to fundamentally change how we work. But as it turns out, old habits are hard to break.
The Commute: A Legacy of the Industrial Revolution
The habit of commuting was born out of the Industrial Revolution, which began in the late 18th to early 19th century, primarily in Britain. The invention of technologies like the steam engine and spinning machines, the establishment of factory systems, and advancements in transportation and communication brought about massive changes. Populations migrated from rural areas to cities, and production methods underwent dramatic transformations. As a result, the practice of commuting emerged in cities worldwide.
In Japan, the Industrial Revolution came later, only taking root after the Meiji Restoration. But over the 150 years since, commuting has become an ingrained part of our lives. While the pandemic interrupted this routine for three years, the weight of that 150-year-old habit is deeply entrenched. Now, the familiar commuting scenes have fully returned to their pre-pandemic state.
However, a new force has emerged, one that could transform how we work even more profoundly than telework.
The biggest news in the IT industry this year has undoubtedly been the rise of LLMs (Large Language Models), spearheaded by the debut of ChatGPT. I believe this innovation could trigger a revolution more groundbreaking than the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries. And unlike that earlier revolution, this one won’t take 50 years to unfold.
The previous Industrial Revolution centralized workers in cities, produced industrial goods, and developed transportation networks to move those goods—and people along with them. But this time, what’s moving isn’t physical goods; it’s information and intelligence. What we need now are networks, not physical transportation, and the necessity for bodily movement is far less.
While it’s still unclear what this new revolution will bring or how it will reshape our lives, one thing is certain: it will radically change how we work. Just as the last Industrial Revolution introduced the habit of commuting, which eventually led to issues like the challenges of paternity leave, this new revolution will bring its own consequences.
I sincerely hope that one of those consequences will be meaningful benefits for parenting and child-rearing.
根本的な問題は何?/What’s the Fundamental Issue?
The real problems we need to solve are long working hours and long commutes.
We should focus on reducing these two factors and improving labor productivity. The idea of taking time off work and reallocating that time to parenting might sound appealing, but it ultimately leads to a drop in both the volume and value of labor output. This means the country’s GDP will shrink, tax spending for benefits will increase, and the nation itself could spiral into dysfunction.
And if the country starts to fall apart, the whole idea of “Men, please take paternity leave!” could end up as nothing more than a pipe dream.
Creating an Environment Where Couples Can Participate in Parenting
We must create an environment where both partners can actively participate in raising their children.
Simply increasing time off will only result in a decrease in labor output, which directly impacts GDP—the foundation of a nation’s strength.
Unless we shift to a working style that increases productivity within shorter hours, this country is headed toward an increasingly precarious situation.
If parental leave is to be taken, it should be for at least a year. Taking just one month of leave doesn’t mean parenting responsibilities vanish on day 31. But if a parent takes a full year, daycare centers will be available to support them when they return.
In that case, we should steer towards fundamental measures where parents can take a year off with guaranteed income, uninterrupted career progression, and no drop in labor productivity.
The government calls these “unprecedented measures to combat the declining birthrate,” but all they’ve done is raise the benefit from 65% to 80%. That’s not enough to enable couples to participate in parenting in a sustainable, meaningful way.
The Fundamental Solution: Increasing Men’s Disposable Time
This is why I don’t want public funds being used in this way. For small and medium-sized enterprises, it can’t be helped—by all means, let them rely on government support.
But financially strong large corporations shouldn’t depend on government aid. Instead, they should allocate paid leave—whether it’s a month or a year—for employees who have children.
Otherwise, we end up in a situation where taxes paid by hardworking individuals are being used to allow employees at large corporations to leisurely take leave with full pay.
Let’s not forget, the government can only afford to pay these paternity leave benefits because we are the ones paying taxes.
子どもは天からの授かりもの/Children Are a Gift from Heaven
Whether or not parenting is challenging for a mother largely depends on her circumstances. For instance, a mother raising her second child close in age to her first, without help from her parents, would face significantly more stress than a first-time mother living near her family, surrounded by supportive relatives. Similarly, there’s a big difference between a family where the father is barely home due to long commutes and overtime, and one where the father works from home and is always available to help with parenting. For those fortunate enough to be in such supportive environments, it’s okay to think, “I don’t have it that hard, so I don’t need to take paternity leave funded by taxpayers.” And companies employing such individuals could say, “If that’s the case, we won’t rely on government support. We’ll cover your salary ourselves, so please take your leave.” It feels like in today’s society, people see government-provided systems as rights they’re entitled to use to the fullest. To put it bluntly, some may think, “It would be a waste not to use what’s available.” But let’s pause for a moment. Just because you can use these systems easily doesn’t mean everyone else can. There are plenty of people who don’t have the same access. These systems should be reserved for those who truly need them, and companies or employees who don’t fall into that category could show some restraint. It might be idealistic, but shouldn’t the spirit of sharing and consideration be most evident when it comes to parenting? Of course, there’s the risk that companies not utilizing these systems might be unfairly labeled as “black companies” with low male paternity leave utilization rates. That’s another issue we need to address. But I believe that if we can foster a collective awareness that we’re all in this together, the problem of declining birthrates might resolve itself naturally. After all, children are often said to be a gift from heaven. And heaven is always watching over us.
When you think about it carefully, the systems that the government provides or prepares for us can be considered public goods. Public goods, by definition, belong to everyone in society. However, the size of that pie is limited. If everyone uses it to the fullest, it will quickly be depleted.
If we view these systems as public goods with such limitations, isn’t it also a virtue to refrain from using them unnecessarily?
This perspective becomes even clearer when viewed from another angle.
Take, for instance, the charitable acts that companies often engage in. My company has also made donations to organizations like the Red Cross.
I believe the act of “donating” and the act of “not using a system” ultimately achieve the same outcome. Donations increase public goods, while not using a system preserves them. Both are actions we should consciously engage in.
It’s been nearly two years since I wrote this blog post, and finally, starting this April, the benefit rate will increase to 80%. With social insurance premiums being exempted, it seems that take-home pay during parental leave will remain almost unchanged. As the number of foreign nationals in our company has increased, I have added an English translation and made partial updates on January 8, 2025.
However, I still believe that if one is working entirely remotely, there might be no need for men to take parental leave. Even without utilizing the parental leave system, since a new life has been born, it’s acceptable to prioritize the child and approach work with a flexible attitude. Naturally, this wouldn’t count as absenteeism, so the salary would be paid as usual.
No need for benefits!
It might sound like bravado, but I think it’s okay for such a company to exist.
However, to avoid any misunderstanding, I must state that as a company, we would never refuse an employee’s request to take parental leave if they are eligible. Especially with the upcoming changes in April, where take-home pay will remain almost unchanged, the ability to take leave without hesitation is quite appealing.
On the other hand, for those who need to commute to the office, I strongly believe that they should utilize the parental leave system as much as possible. I firmly think so. No matter how favorable the environment, it is quite challenging for a mother to raise a child alone.
As I mentioned before, the necessity of men’s parental leave largely depends on individual circumstances. Whether it’s the first child or the second, some children are easy to care for, while others can be so challenging that both parents become exhausted. Factors such as living with extended family or the living environment also play a significant role.
Treating all these situations uniformly is the nature of systems, but I wonder if it’s appropriate. This also touches on the issue of equality and equity.
Additional note as of January 8, 2025.
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そのまま引用してきました。この男性の育休制度もそうだけど、 どうにも無理があるように皆さん感じるんじゃないでしょうか。今の日本経済の厳しさみんな感じているところで、なのにどうしてこんな甘い一時しのぎのようなことをするんだろうって。もっと他にやんなきゃいけないことあるだろうって国民は感じてるんじゃないかな。