
拙者、山名宗全(やまな そうぜん)。かつて応仁元年(1467年)より、ここ西陣の地に陣を張り、東軍と長きに渡る戦いを繰り広げた西軍の総大将である。今から五百年以上も昔のことであるから、現代を生きる皆々にとっては遥か昔の出来事かもしれぬが、この地「西陣」にまつわる歴史を、今もこうして石碑が語り継いでおる。






  • 女性が育児や介護などのライフステージの変化でキャリアを諦める必要がない
  • 地方に暮らしながらでも、都市部と連携した事業を展開できる





  • 遠くからの人材がプロジェクトに参加し、技術やノウハウを共有
  • 現地では伝統技法を守りながら、新たな商品やサービスを生み出す
  • その結果、地域の文化や産業が衰退するどころか、むしろ活性化する








Yamana Sōzen’s “Nishijin” Retrospective — And a New “Formation” for the Modern Age

I am Yamana Sōzen, who once, in the first year of the Ōnin era (1467), pitched my camp here in Nishijin as the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Army. We waged a prolonged war against the Eastern Army, a struggle that lasted for many years. More than five centuries have passed since then, and to those living in the present day, it must seem like a distant tale. Yet even now, this land called “Nishijin” bears the marks of its history, etched into this stone monument.

The Origin of “Nishijin”

The reason this area came to be called “Nishijin” stems from the Western Army having set up its headquarters here. The Ōnin War dragged on for ten long years, inflicting heavy damage on the city of Kyōto. In particular, the area around our Western Army’s camp earned a reputation as “the land of an encamped army,” which, ironically, evolved over time into a district famed for textiles known as “Nishijin-ori.” Such is the curious flow of history.

Now, turning my gaze to the modern age, I see something I could not have imagined in my time. You hold in your hands a thin “tactical device” (called an iPad, I hear), through which many people, scattered far and wide, can gather faces onscreen to conduct what you call a morning meeting—akin to a war council in my era. Even more astonishing, this meeting is taking place right before this very monument in Nishijin. When I first beheld it, I could scarce believe my eyes.

A New “Formation” in Modern Times — Coral Work

I have learned that your company practices a working style called “Coral Work,” free from the constraints of place and time. Like coral reefs that grow freely, each person firmly roots themselves in a spot and stays connected as if forming a flexible battle line—though I see it is far gentler than any ancient campaign of mine.

  • Women need not abandon their careers when facing changes in life circumstances such as child-rearing or caregiving.
  • One can continue their endeavors even while living in the countryside, all the while collaborating on projects in urban areas.

In my day, my army was obliged to settle in a single, fortified spot, mustering large forces to vie for supremacy. In contrast, the modern era requires no massive headquarters. Each person can act freely, united by a common goal. Indeed, I can only describe this as a new kind of “formation.”

Weaving History and Culture — A Strategic Venture

Nishijin, today, is widely known for its textiles, particularly Nishijin-ori, woven with refined technique and artistry honed over many generations. It strikes me as curious that the very grounds where I once led my troops later flourished, weaving both “thread” and “intent” into a vibrant community. Truly, I could not have foreseen it in my time.

I hear your strategic venture aims to preserve this “history” and “local culture” while forging new value. By harnessing online tools, people living afar can discover the allure of Nishijin and support its traditional industries.

  • Skilled individuals from distant regions can participate in projects, sharing techniques and know-how.
  • Locals uphold time-honored methods and craft new products and services.
  • As a result, rather than fading, regional culture and industry may find renewed vitality.

Such is a most cunning plan indeed. In my era, coordinating with allies from afar was no simple feat. Now, distance and location scarcely matter, and many threads of knowledge can be woven together into a strong yet flexible “formation.” From my vantage, this seems like a victory grander than any battlefield triumph.

A Word About the Future

During the Ōnin War, the prolonged conflict between the Western and Eastern armies wrought great devastation upon the city of Kyōto. Yet after those turbulent times, the city and its people forged a new vigor. Just as Nishijin thrived with its weaving industry, I sense that your fresh strategies and ways of working will bring renewed brilliance to traditional culture across Japan.

The word “Nishijin,” carved into this monument, does more than attest to where my forces once encamped; it has also come to represent a “place of weaving,” a hope for the future. May your morning meetings—akin to war councils—lead to ever more bountiful achievements, in the name of Yamana Sōzen.

“Warfare” brought destruction,
but “work styles” bring creation.
Though the encampment remains the same,
the future that lies beyond is so very different—

Here, before this Nishijin monument, I stand in awe of how history shifts, giving rise to new formations with each passing era. I pray for your success, one and all.

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