平安の世において、人の本名(諱(いみな) ※諱とは?)を軽々しく口にすることは、慎むべきことなりき。そも、名とは単なる呼び名にあらず、魂と深く結びつくものと信ぜられ、その名を知ることは、即ちその者を支配する手立てにもなりけり。これこそが、諱信仰(いみなのしんこう)※諱信仰とは?の根底にある理なり。
たとへば、かの紫式部の真名(まな ※真名とは?)、いかにと問ふ者多かれど、実のところ、その真名は世に伝はらず。紫式部の「式部」とは、彼女が仕へし式部省にちなみ、「紫」とはその著せし『源氏物語』に登場する紫の上に由来せしものなり。彼女の実の名が後世に遺らざるは、まさにこの諱信仰のなせる業なり。貴人たちは、名を秘すことで、呪詛や不浄の力より己が魂を護りしものなり。
そして、また奇しきことに、我がかつて住まひしこの地が、今もなお人々の語らふ場となりしこと。夢枕獏の著せし『陰陽師』※陰陽師(小説)とは? の影響もあり、今や晴明神社 ※晴明神社とは? は、ただの社にあらず、多くの者が訪れ、名の力を感じる場ともなりぬ。

Ah, how fleeting is the passage of time. I am Abe no Seimei, known to the people of the imperial capital as an Onmyoji—one who discerns the celestial order, reads the fortunes of men, and wards off calamities. In my days, the Onmyoryo stood as an esteemed bureau, serving the imperial court, where we who mastered the ways of yin and yang did labor. Yet among them, I was singularly trusted by His Majesty, Emperor Ichijo, and the noble Fujiwara no Michinaga, that I might guard the tranquility of the realm.
The shrine that stands here now marks the place where once I dwelled. And lo, in the ages that followed, one Baku Yumemakura did pen a tale known as Onmyoji, weaving a story that cast this very land as its stage. Verily, is it not a most curious fate that my name and deeds remain known, even after a thousand years?
The Doctrine of “Imina”: Why One’s True Name Must Be Concealed
In the age of the Heian court, it was deemed unseemly to utter a person’s true name (Imina ※What is “Imina”?), for names were believed to be entwined with the soul itself. To know one’s name was to wield power over them, a belief enshrined in what is called Imina Faith (Imina no Shinko ※What is Imina Faith?).
Take, for instance, the woman known to history as Murasaki Shikibu. That name, however, was but a courtly appellation, not her true name. “Shikibu” referred to her father’s office in the Ministry of Ceremonial Affairs, while “Murasaki” was drawn from the character Murasaki no Ue in The Tale of Genji, which she herself had penned. Her true name remains unknown to this day, for noblewomen of high standing would not permit such knowledge to pass into the hands of others, lest their very essence be held captive.
The Power of Names in Death Note
Time flows ever onward, yet the mystique surrounding names remains undiminished. Even in this present age, tales are told of names possessing power, among them none more intriguing than Death Note, a work authored by Tsugumi Ohba ※What is Death Note?.
In this tale, merely writing a person’s name within the accursed notebook dooms them to death. To control a name is to control fate—how strikingly it mirrors the arts of Onmyodo. In my own time, we Onmyoji could inscribe a person’s name upon a figure of paper (hitogata) or upon charms, thereby invoking certain fates upon them, be it protection or peril.
Thus, is the premise of Death Note truly but a fiction? Nay, to those who have studied the old ways, it is but a modern echo of truths long known.
The Modern Perception of Names
And what of the world as it stands today? How do the people of this era wield their names? In the realm of the Internet, it is now commonplace for many to conceal their true identities, adopting pseudonyms instead. Is this, perchance, but a new guise of Imina Faith? Though the fear of curses may have waned, still does the wariness of being known persist, albeit for different reasons. In this digital age, a name carries not the risk of a sorcerer’s hex, but that of exposure, judgment, and intrusion.
And yet, curious it is that this very place, once my dwelling, remains a site where men and women ponder the power of names. The fame of Onmyoji, as penned by Baku Yumemakura ※What is Onmyoji (novel)?, has ensured that Seimei Shrine ※What is Seimei Shrine? endures as a place of reverence, where visitors seek to understand the unseen forces of old.
The Power of Names and the Future
From ancient times, names have possessed an ineffable power. Some feared them, guarding their true names with secrecy; others sought dominion over them, striving to claim control over fate itself. In Onmyodo, to know a name was to hold dominion over the energies that flow within and without.
And now, in this age beyond my own, do people still reckon with the question of how names shape their existence. Yet no longer do they shun names out of fear of sorcery; rather, they choose when to reveal and when to conceal their names, wielding them with newfound agency. The ways in which names are treated may shift with time, yet the reverence they command remains unshaken.
A thousand years hence, what shall become of the names you now cherish? That, my friends, is for you to determine. As for me, my duties as an Onmyoji have long since drawn to a close. Yet the wisdom of handling names wisely—this, I entreat thee, is a matter that bears reflection even now.
—Abe no Seimei, setting his brush to rest.
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