タイトルは、”The people we want to work with.”
First,I thank everybody who gave me a chance to give a 3minitue speech in English.
today’s theme is “The people we want to work with”
I met a person named Mr.A who is a partner in our global business at Roppongi two weeks ago.
And Mr.A and I met one company named ******* to talk business.
I’d like to explain to Bcart ASP division as easily as possible.Mr.A is a franchise consultant who we met in an FC show in Hong Kong.****** is the company which presents F&B business in Japan .The person in charge is Mr.B. whose figure is same as Darren.
Going back to the story ,Mr.A exchanged their business cards and began a business discussion .The start was good ,but Mr.B turned pale on one occasion.Even if I couldn’t understand their talking perfectly, I understand why he turned pale right now.
That was because Mr.A has been confused by a question. What is the vision of your company. Mr.A thinks this is not so important. But I think Mr.B wanted an answer because it is important for Japanese business. A difference in consciousness has occurred here.I’ll respect Mr.B’s opinion. Mr.A has to think about this,because he is a top person of the company. He was seeing a matter for short-term,not seeing for long-term. In some books, it’s said that the person who can see matter for long-term has good human quality.
Anyway I don’t like this story . I want to say a lot of things about that, but what I want to tell you most is I think we have to have the good relationship with the person or the company who we would like to support from the bottom of our heart!
I think my opinion can be connected for business, family, friend and love, completely.
What do you think?
Thank you for listening to my speech
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